Returns Policy and Warranty Information

Warranty Coverage

PreppComm offers a one year warranty on the DMX-40 and MMX transceiver or MMX ZERO encoder/decoder, covering manufacturing defects in electronic and mechanical components.  Software is provided “as is” and any bugs found during the warranty period are not covered.  Software updates will be offered at low cost to the customer, as they become available.  Not covered are any mechanical damage from misuse, or electrical damage due to excessive input voltages, or operating the transmitter with a very high to infinite SWR (SWR > 3).

PreppComm offers a 90 day warranty on the GO Bag and its various components, covering defects in materials and workmanship.

In-Warranty Repair, Component Replacement Policy

If your DMX-40, MMX or GO Bag is defective as defined above during the warranty period, please contact the factory by email (  We will attempt to correct the problem without having you ship the product back to the factory, as in our experience, some perceived defects are actually misunderstanding of features or incorrect usage.  Once it has been established that the product or some component needs to be returned for repair, PreppComm will issue an AUTHORIZATION TO RETURN and a return shipping label will be emailed to you to place on the box.  In some cases, replacement components can be shipped to the customer without returning defective components to the factory.  Replacement components are shipped at no charge to the customer.

Warranty returns of all transceivers with lids should be returned with lids in place, to protect the top panel. Do not return keyboards, adaptor plugs, etc.

Once a defective product has been repaired, it will be returned to the customer at no charge.

Out of Warranty Repair Policy

Out of warranty repairs require the customer to ship the product to the factory at their expense, using the Return Address at the end of this document.   An AUTHORIZATION TO RETURN must be requested prior to shipping the product via email (  The repair cost will be determined, and an invoice will be issued.  Payment must be received before the unit is returned to the customer.

Return Policy – DMX-40, MMX Series

Only regular priced DMX-40s and MMX series may be returned for refund; unfortunately DMX-40s purchased on a sale cannot be returned for a refund.  Likewise, DMX-40 Refurbished products cannot be returned for a refund. A 10% restocking fee will be charged, but the return must be AUTHORIZED as described below.

The DMX-40 or MMX can be operated off the air for 14 days.  This means all modes other than transmitting into an antenna or other load other than a 50 ohm resistive load (dummy load).  This includes External Mode with your existing transceiver or stand-alone, receive mode with or without an antenna, and transmit mode into a 50 ohm resistive load.  Use of the transmitter into any other load, such as an antenna, disqualifies the DMX-40 or MMX from a refund return.

The 14 day period starts on the date of receipt of the unit, and notification of a desire to return must be given by email (, including the reason for requesting the return. The reason cannot be that the unit does not perform an operation you wanted or expected.  You are responsible to read the description of the unit provided on the website; you can download all of the manuals, which have exhaustive descriptions of all functions.  You can email your questions, or read questions and answers and posts in the PreppComm Community.  Do so before ordering, so you don’t fall into this trap of expecting something and then wanting a return.  Sorry, we expext you to do your own due dilligence.

Requests to return for a refund must be made on or before the last day of the 14 day period. AUTHORIZATION TO RETURN will be issues via email assuming your reason for returning is reasonable.  When doing an AUTHORIZED return, the DMX-40 or MMX must be in NEW CONDITION, and returned to the factory in the ORIGINAL PACKING MATERIAL to the Return Address at the end of this document.  A 10% restocking fee will be charged.  If the DMX-40 or MMX is NOT in the condition explicitly stated above, or shipped without AUTHORIZATION TO RETURN, an invoice for return to customer shipping will be issued.  The DMX-40 or MMX will be returned once the invoice is paid.

Return to factory shipping is at your expense.  Please use USPS, UPS, or Fed Ex.  We recommend you insure the package, as it is your responsibility until we receive it.

Once your AUTHORIZED return is received, the DMX-40 or MMX will be inspected inside and out, and tested.  Depending on the results of the inspection and test, PreppComm will issue a refund.  A minimum of 10% testing and restocking charge will be deducted from the amount refunded. If additional costs are required to return the DMX-40 or MMX to its original (new) condition, the customer will be notified, and given a choice between paying the additional cost, or paying only the 10% testing fee and return shipping.

Refunds will be issued via the billing originally chosen by the customer.

Return Policy – GO Bag

We do not recommend purchasing a GO Bag with the intention of checking it out to see if you like it.  Ask questions, read the online material, including the data sheet, so there are no surprises.  All returns must be AUTHORIZED before being returned.

The 7 day period starts on the date of receipt of the unit, and notification of a desire to return must be given by email (, including the reason for requesting the return. The reason cannot be that the product does not include an item or perform an operation as expected.  You are responsible to read the description of the product provided on the website; you can download the antenna setup guide and the data sheet, which have exhaustive descriptions of all functions.  You can email your questions, or read questions and answers and posts in the PreppComm Community.  Do so before ordering, so you don’t fall into this trap of expecting something and then wanting a return.  Sorry, we expext you to do your own due dilligence.

Requests to return for a refund must be made on or before the last day of the 7 day period. AUTHORIZATION TO RETURN will be issues via email assuming your reason for return is reasonable.  When doing an AUTHORIZED return, the GO Bag must be in NEW CONDITION as described below, and returned to the factory in the ORIGINAL PACKING MATERIAL to the Return Address at the end of this document.  A 10% restocking fee will be charged.  If the GO Bag is NOT in the condition explicitly stated below, or shipped without AUTHORIZATION TO RETURN, an invoice for return to customer shipping and the 10% restocking fee will be issued.  The GO Bag will be returned once the invoice is paid.

Return to factory shipping is at your expense.  Please use USPS, UPS, or Fed Ex.  We recommend you insure the package, as it is your responsibility until we receive it.

GO Bags can be returned within 7 days of receipt when AUTHORIZED and only if all items are in their original bags or containers, and in NEW condition.  Specifically:

1. The canvas bag has not been opened and removed from its protective plastic cover (cover is intact).

2. The Camouflage plastic cover has not been opened.

3. The antenna has not been unwound from its winder.

4. All other bagged items are in their original state.

5. The battery bank has not been charged beyond 50%.  The battery bank may be unwrapped carefully from the bubble wrap, and cables can be used for either charging or powering the DMX-40, but if unwrapped, to be returned it must be carefully rewrapped to protect it during shipping, and cables must be placed back in the cable bag in the same way they were from the factory.

6. The keyboard and solar panel are in their original boxes, and still in their plastic wrappers inside the box.  Boxes are not ripped.

7. The Paracord wound on the spools remain wound and held in place by the cord locks.

In a word, you may inspect all of the provided elements included in the GO Bag, but you cannot open any of them (other than brief testing of the battery bank and cable to a DMX-40 as described above), as this instantly turns the GO Bag into a “used” product, not a NEW product.  The value of the GO Bag instantly is reduced significantly at that point.  PreppComm is not a used product vendor.  So please take care to review the contents without turning it into a used product if you are thinking of returning it.

Once received, the GO Bag will be inspected inside and out, and the battery bank tested.  Depending on the results of the inspection and test, PreppComm will issue a refund.  A minimum of 10% testing and restocking charge will be deducted from the amount refunded.  If the GO Bag is not in the conditoin expected, the customer will be notified. Either a 10% testing fee plus a fee to return the GO Bag to its original condition must be paid, or a 10% testing and evaluation fee and return shipping must be paid, customer choice.


Return Address and Email

PreppComm Returns
Attn: Eric Anderson
130 McGhee Rd Ste 220
Sandpoint, ID 83864
