Transceiver EMP Bundle
This bundle is an add-on product for an MMX or DMX-40. It provides a 10" x 12" ziplock EMP shield bag and a roll-up keyboard, allowing you to keep a fully operational radio station protected inside - just add your MMX or DMX-40. The EMP Shield bag is rated at 46 dB reduction, which is sufficient for protection of small electronic devices.
In addition, we include a small canvas bag for protecting the interior of the EMP Shield bag. Simply place your DMX-40 or MMX into the bag, zip it up, and place inside the EMP Shield bag, along with the rollup keyboard (usually stored in the ziplock plastic bag it comes in). Then, zip up the EMP Shield bag.
Care should be taken to not damage the bag lining, which is metal between plastic sheets. Puncturing the lining can cause serious degradation of the EMP suppression function of the EMP Shield. This is the purpose of the small black canvas zipper bag for the interior, but keep in mind you can damage the exterior as well with sharp edges or corners. So, handle and pack with care, ensuring nothing sharp is rubbing against or poking the exterior of the EMP Shield bag.