This is a complete new massive revision of the original MMX Guide in full color, printed in magazine format! This is the place to start for either a MMX ZERO or a MMX Multi-Band Transceiver.
The Quick Start Guide begins with basic familiarity with the MMX operation, menus, local station setup, and the operation of the CALL, ANS, and CCS buttons, plus volume and decoder gain. Once the basics are covered, which are common to all PreppComm units - including the DMX-40 and the ZERO - the manual branches into two different sections - one for the ZERO and another for the MMX.
Each of the sections starts with electrical setup, and with the ZERO, adds in the external transceiver setup. The sections continue with a quick start on the operation of the unit being covered.
The ZERO guide can be used for the MMX when setting up with an external transceiver, so it becomes useful to the MMX user, as the MMX can operate like a ZERO simply by connecting to an external transceiver.
Not all the information you will need is included in the Quick Start Guide. Use the updated MMX Reference Manual V1.2 or the brand new MMX ZERO Reference Manual V1.0 for more detailed information. All manuals are available in the Document Library for download as PDF or ePub files.