Facelift for PreppComm's Manuals

We had it on the back burner, and finally our new manuals are in stock. You’re going to love them. First, for you who have been waiting we finally have the MMX ZERO Reference Manual Version 1.0. Great that it is available in both PDF and ePub formats. And even better, our Operations Manager discovered an improved way to print them, in full color, and on quality magazine stock, bound like a magazine. Lovely to handle, carry and store. They’ll be stocked in the PreppComm web store. If you can’t wait, download them now from the website.
We have two more manuals for you. We have prepared a completely reformatted and updated MMX Multi-Band & MMX ZERO Quick Start Guide Version 1.2 and an brand new MMX Multi-Band Reference Manual Version 1.2. Both of these manuals have significant revisions, new information and diagrams, and some reorganization.

Eric recommends that you begin with the Quick Start Guide. It comprises a lot of great information in a step by step format. The first part covers MMX setup (both Multi-band and ZERO), followed by the basic MMX controls for auto-transmit modes: CALL and ANS, used for both multi-band and ZERO.
At that point, you branch into electrical setup for either ZERO companion or external mode, or for QRP transceiver mode. For the ZERO case, we cover external transceiver setup. You get the picture. You may never need to go into the reference manuals at all.